Chapter Two
The night has passed and the sun rises above the horizon. It has been a difficult night as sleep has eluded you. There are many things on your mind, not the least which are the difficulties you have been facing. Your spirit is troubled and you are not certain just what to do about it all. The anxiousness you feel is only making your level of distress rise and you are not certain how things will play out. You have talked with friends and relatives but that has not brought any relief and you are not certain where else you can turn. Will it ever come to an end or will you ever be able to see things through to a satisfactory end? What can you possibly do to make it better, make it all go away? Here are five things that might help.
First, know that what you are going through is common to the human experience! Everyone has trouble that, often, seems insurmountable. If there is a difference between them, it is in how they approach dealing with difficulty. You are not alone.
Second, there is a reason that you are facing these difficulties and it is important that you gain an understanding of why you are where you are. It may be something you have done that has brought trouble your way. If so, take responsibility for your actions. Perhaps it is something others have done and, through no fault of your own, it has complicated your life. Knowing the source of trouble will help you devise a plan that will help you solve the problem.
Third, know there is a way out! There are few problems faced by humankind that are not without a solution. Once you understand that everyone faces difficulty and that there is a way out of that difficulty, you can begin to put together a plan that will solve whatever the problem is. Know that it is OK to ask others for help. You may not have control over how they will respond, but it never hurts to go to those you love and trust for advice and counsel. You may not always like the advice you get... but always, always consider it. Your friends and loved ones just might know what they are talking about. They can be more objective about your issues.
Fourth, know that there is a loving God to whom you can go. This may seem to be to simplistic, but it is, nevertheless, true. If your troubles stem from some ill advised action you have taken, ask Him to forgive you and resolve never to do it again. Ask Him for guidance. Ask Him to give you a solution. God intervenes in our lives when He judges that we are sincere. If your problem is because of what others have done, then forgive them and move on. God expects us to be forgiving if we are to expect His help.
Fifth, once you have accomplished these things, go to work solving the problem. Don't just sit around hoping it all will just go away. Most often, it will not. We are expected to take charge of our lives! That means rolling up our sleeves and get with the process of problem solving. All through life this will be expected of you.
"Got any rivers you think are uncrossable
Got any mountains you can't tunnel through
God specializes in things thought impossible
He does the things others cannot do." (Eliason)
Psalm 27:1
The LORD is my light and my salvation—
whom shall I fear?
The LORD is the stronghold of my life—
of whom shall I be afraid? (NIV)
Isaiah 41:10
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. (NIV)